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my service

Wherever we'll connect, I am going to create a safe container for every participant



Join live events or some of the online sessions via Zoom. Organize individual sessions for your friends at magnific places - let me hold space for you, together we create a safe place. From beginner to advanced. ​

Price for 2 hours in private group: Live: € 145 // Zoom: € 85 

weekly planet sessions life: € 15 // 5erBlock: € 65

Live sessions include selected Incent, organic CBD products,

exclusive aromaoil, loose tea, yoga mat, pillow and eye mask.



In my coaching program we are going to analyze the individual needs. The program will be suitable for you and lasts 5 weeks. Here we can tap deeper into Breathwork and especially the benefits of conscious breathing. From functional to therapeutic breathwork.

Price 5 week Coaching: € 390

montly flatrate: € 45 ( 2 online sessions/week )​

Single Session (2h) : € 85

Continued Sessions (1,5h) : € 65



France, Mexico, Germany and of course Austria. I love to be around and hold space for you. Let me be part of your journey or join one of my customized retreats to your inner journey.

In co-creation with different people, we will give you a unique experience. Icebath, Qigong, Meditation (MBSR), Gestalt Therapy, Tantra, Bodyworkers, Sound Healing, Ecstatic Dance, DJ ́s, Cacao Ceremony, Shamanic Trance Dance, Fire-Rituals.

I am also hosting Cacao ceremony on request with organic raw cacao.



Customized Breathing journeys for companies and hotels can be arranged. 

Hotels: In co-operation with Florine Ohlhauser, who is a certified Yoga Teacher, we offer for your guests a sustainable experience, a vacation the guests will never forget. A unique way to fill hotel rooms in low and off season, adding value to the vacation. 

Companies: ​In a 3 month programm I show your employees to stay cool and focused in stressfull situations. In time we will reach better working performance, cooperation and well-being of your staff.

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